
Kasia Cheng

Innovations Series: Targeted Behaviour Change Messaging

In response to the humanitarian emergency in Somalia in 2017, AVF developed an innovative system and workflow for targeted behaviour change messaging. Through this process AVF categorised SMS messages sent in to interactive radio programmes reporting barriers to adopting life-saving behaviours, such as water treatment and exclusive breastfeeding. Then, AVF delivered tailored responses to affected...

Digital Exclusion in Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities

In late May, the Communication with Disaster Affected Communities Network held its annual global forum in Nairobi. More than 160 participants from over 20 countries came together to discuss the challenges facing aid professionals in the context of the digital era and advent of new technologies. Specifically, the discussion centred around digital exclusion as an...


Recent Articles

2023 end year message from our Executive Director
18 December 2023
Empowering Somali women through radio discourse
15 October 2023
Breaking the silence: Combating female genital mutilation in Somali communities
10 October 2023
