
Digital communications

Using digital communications to close the humanitarian governance gap

The extended drought in Somalia continues to have a devastating impact across the country. Since early 2017, when the crisis deteriorated and the threat of famine loomed, the number of people in emergency level of food insecurity (IPC Phase 4) has increased to 866,000. Over the same period, over 1,159 people lost their lives in...

Valuing voices in the digital age

I have been preoccupied with the phrase “valuing voices” ever since the earliest days of Africa’s Voices as a pilot research project at the University of Cambridge. It has all sorts of meanings and motivations: a call to arms, an ethical commitment, a cautionary counsel, a methodological challenge amidst data revolutions, a test for people...

What drives the gender digital divide?

For many of us reading this, the digital realm seamlessly integrates with most aspects of our lives: we rely upon the internet for work, our phones to connect, and a multitude of digital services to inform and empower us. It’s so pervasive, that we rarely consider how access to the digital world confers power, and...

In the shadow of digital culture: Reflections on the ICT4D conference 2017

The ICT4D Conference is one of the biggest annual events that brings together a motley crew of public, private, and civil society organisations to discuss all things related to technology in development. Over four days of presentations, workshops and panels, hundreds of participants from the humanitarian and international development community mingle together to share ideas...

Founders Pledge Dinner, ‘Human Rights: Empowering Local Voices with Tech & Data’

Our Director, Dr. Sharath Srinivasan, set the scene at the Founders Pledge meeting on Human Rights. This organisation encourages founders of tech start-ups to pledge support to charities. Other speakers included Catherine Zennström (Zennström Philanthropies), Regan Ralph (The Fund for Global Human Rights), Patrick Ball (Human Rights Data Analysis Group) and Oren Yakobovich (Videre est Credere). Watch Sharath’s presentation

Infographic: Interactive radio in Somalia

The success of our project with UNICEF Somalia relies upon our dynamic and collaborative partnership with MediaINK and their network of 26 radio stations across Somalia. Through geospatial analysis, we’ve discovered that these weekly interactive radio programmes cover 50% of Somalia and reach up to 70% of the population! The below infographic celebrates this partnership, using our...

Can interactive radio support a more just tax system in Kenya?

Taxation is an important pathway to reduce poverty and inequality. Recognising this, Oxfam in Kenya is advocating for a more progressive, transparent and accountable tax and expenditure regime — leading to a better mobilisation of tax revenue and improved public services. Such an ambitious endevour requires working with all involved: citizens and civil society organisations to realise their...

How many people do Africa’s Voices’ radio programmes reach in Somalia?

For the dissertation part of my MSc in Geospatial Analysis at University College London, I completed an exciting project with Africa’s Voices. After two years of learning theory and doing coursework, it was fantastic to be able to focus on a single project and put everything I had learned to good use. Somalia is a...

Infographic: Take your power to the polls

Africa’s Voices partnered with Livity Africa to understand the impact of their #2X campaign on young South African’s propensity to vote. Learn more with our infographic below! (click on the infographic to open and zoom)


Recent Articles

2023 end year message from our Executive Director
18 December 2023
Empowering Somali women through radio discourse
15 October 2023
Breaking the silence: Combating female genital mutilation in Somali communities
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