Citizen-led discussions on displacement and durable solutions in Mogadishu (ReDSS)

The first iteration of AVF's Common Social Accountability Platform


In 2018, Africa’s Voices partnered with the Banadir Regional Administration and the Regional Secretariat for Durable Solutions (ReDSS) to run a pilot project in Mogadishu designed to consult citizens on durable solutions* programming, particularly in relation to the city’s acute displacement crisis, and to respond more widely to the weak social accountability ecosystem in Somalia.

The pilot constituted the first iteration of the Common Social Accountability Platform (CSAP), which builds on Africa’s Voices interactive radio method (radio debate shows driven by citizen input sent in by SMS) to create a sustained channel for citizen engagement and public opinion research, using one format, brand, and infrastructure. As such, it maximises the chances that citizen perspectives are heard in decisions that affect their lives.

Among others, the pilot unveiled a support for crowdfunding efforts to provide assistance to IDPs, an sympathetic sentiment particularly strong among women and youth. Our multimedia feature on Crowdfunding in Mogadishu explores this locally-driven modality of assistance and provides an overview of what we did.

Crowdfunding in Mogadishu

A solution to the city’s displacement crisis ?

* A durable solution is achieved when the displaced no longer have any specific assistance and protection needs that are linked to their displacement and can enjoy their human rights without discrimination on account of their displacement. It can be achieved through return, local integration or resettlement. (IASC framework)

Image credit: Carl de Souza/Getty

Yes, I feel involved because community consultation is always the best thing to do and I personally believe that I am part of the decisions in
the community and we appreciate a lot those who made this safe spaces to talk like the radio presenters, the leaders involved and those aid organisations who are involved as well.

Female participant
Mogadishu, Somalia