Overcoming Barriers to Refugee Girls’ Education in Kenya (WUSC)

Our partnership with WUSC analyses the social norms and beliefs underpinning barriers to girl's education.

AVF collaborated with the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) on the second phase of the Kenyan Equity in Education Project (KEEP) in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in Northern Kenya

funded by UK aid

The pilot project tested AVF’s interactive radio approach (combining radio shows with SMS feedback) as a vehicle for inclusive, norm-challenging conversations to generate evidence on how to overcome social norms that present barriers to girls attending school.

In 2019, AVF will commence a three-year scaled-up project in both locations to harness the pilot’s momentum on supporting media-driven social and behaviour change and to deliver insights to KEEP II partners for adaptive programming.

Explore what we did below:

WUSC | KEEP II Pilot: Overcoming barriers to refugee girls' education in Kenya

Lessons from Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps

AVF’s pilot report was extremely interesting and generated a lot of discussion and ideas in our team. It provoked lots of questions and ideas for how to incorporate the pilot insights and findings into our wider work, as well as thinking about how to best scale it.

Lucy Philpott
Education Advisor, WUSC